Sunday, February 16: More missionaries to help job seekers at the New York Employment Center

Sunday, February 16: More missionaries to help job seekers at the New York Employment Center

The Employment Center has been very very busy and we have been doing our best to keep up with all of the job seekers. Sunday, February 16 we got a new full time Employment Services Missionary-Sister Roseann Neff from Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. She will be serving a 6 month mission. Sister Neff is a retired college professor. Her nephew, Derek Neff, rode the train with her to New York City and stayed for three days to help her get settled and to do a little sight seeing! We met Derek and Sister Neff in the lobby of our apartment building and showed them to her apartment in our same building. (2 Lincoln Square Apartments.) Roseann has jumped right in and has already been a huge help to us!

Sister Susy Yamada lives in Westchester County and has been a volunteer in the Employment Center for two years. She is now completing her paperwork to become a service missionary at the Employment Center! (Sister Yamada’s husband is the stake president of the YSA Stake in New York City.)

We also got three young service missionaries who will be working with us at the Employment Center: Elder Pimentel, Sister Rosales, and Elder Pinelli. An interesting thing about Elder Pimentel, is that he has had two kidney transplants. His kidneys failed when he was 9 years old, so his father donated a kidney to him. When that kidney failed a few years later, his aunt donated a kidney to him. He takes 10 medications daily. Elder Pimentel and Sister Rosales are bilingual-they both speak Spanish. We are training Sister Neff and the young service missionaries.

Sister Brandenburg, Sister Yamada, and Sister Neff.

Sister Brandenburg, Elder Crowell Pimentel and Elder Brandenburg

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