March 2025: 2 Workshops

March 2025: 2 Workshops

We went to the Queens YSA Ward in Woodside last Sunday to present an Employment Workshop during the 2nd hour of church. We left over an hour before church was going to start and rode a quick 2 subway stops to Times Square. Then…..we waited 45 minutes for our train to come… but……it never came. No train came…. We did not know what was going on. But we ran up the stairs and Brian called an uber. We were only 10 minutes late for Sacrament Meeting…..Whew….

When the Bishop invited us to present, he said that many of their ward members are unemployed or underemployed. Some have part-time jobs and need another part-time job or need to transition to full-time employment. Many have barriers/challenges that require adapted work arrangements. We focused on the idea that everyone has their own path. We don’t have a magic wand at Employment Services but we can support and connect job seekers to helpful community resources. We introduced them to the employment website ( and talked a little about resumes and networking. We took many printed resources to share with them. They especially liked the candy that we also shared!

Yesterday, we presented an Employment Workshop at the Kingsbridge Building in the Bronx. It took us about an hour to/from on the subway to get there. We were invited to this Westchester Stake Relief Society Event to talk about employment. There were about 20 sisters in attendance. Most were Spanish speakers and translation was provided. We introduced everyone to the employment website and then broke up into 3 groups. Brian, Sister Neff and I each taught the sisters in our group about networking and then helped them write their own “Me in 30 Seconds.” An “elevator pitch.” The sisters were all very friendly and it was a really fun afternoon.

Networking is the best way to find a job. Networking means talking to people who can help you find people and organizations that need your skills. Talk to everyone about looking for work. People will help you.

President Spencer W. Kimball said:

 “God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs.”

(“Small Acts of Service,” Ensign, Dec. 1974, 5).

Sometimes you need to network through many layers to find the person with the information you need. Networking through layers means asking people to give you the names of other people who may have information that could help you. You can network in person, over the phone, or by email. You can also use professional and social networking websites.

Networking with others works best if you know what to say. A Me in 30 Seconds is the best tool for contacting people or businesses. It helps people understand what job you’re looking for and how they can help. It follows these four steps:

  1. Name:
  2. What job you’re looking for:
  3. Why you’re good at it:
    • Qualifications-
      • Example-
  4. Ask for specific help (choose one of these questions):

  1. Who would you recommend I talk with?
  2. What opportunities do you know of for someone like me?
  3. What do you know about (company, industry)?
  4. What businesses are in the area that are looking for (job type or position)?
  5. Who do you know who does what I do?

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ty

    Great post! My 30 second elevator pitch on myself usually involves bringing up Big Korea. His handsomeness and good boy levels, most people love dogs and will be able to respond with something about a dog in their life. Then we’re bffs.

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