Last week, a job seeker named Teia come to the employment center. She recently moved to Brooklyn, NY from Moscow, Russia with her husband and daughter. She speaks no English so, I used our “pocket talk” to talk to her and we had a two hour conversation. I was able to create a resume for her (one in English and one in Russian) and was also able to help her apply to two jobs. She owned her own bakery in Russia and said that she loves to bake cakes and cookies. I told her that I also love to bake cakes and cookies! She sent me an email that night thanking me for helping her.
The Sunday before that, we attended church at the Inwood 2 Ward. (A Spanish speaking ward.) We saw a few of the job seekers that we met when we held a Saturday workshop for that ward a couple of months ago. Adriana was one of the people who attended the Saturday workshop and she said this to us at church: “I think about you everyday.” She said that she uses the things that she learned in the workshop everyday.
It’s great that your “pocket talk” works so well!
I need to learn more about this “pocket talk”! 😃 It’s amazing to see the positive impact you’re having! Teia and other job seekers are so lucky to have your help in finding a job. Keep up the great work! ❤️